Heather Leigh Heather Leigh

Tripping on New Life


As the edge of time blurs, an etherial curiosity rings in every cell of your body. An underlying awareness, an exciting familiarity easing you into this new venture. A venture of a lifetime, like no other, patiently allowing you to dissolve that murky layer of busyness, clearing away the dingy moments of forgetfulness, and eliminating the want of that mindless glass of wine. Suddenly, here it is! A return to the ever-present ground of Being that you've been unconsciously apprehensive to experience. Already forgetting your former life when you were habitually blind, your eyes are now open to the extraordinary newness of a fresh life at the same exact moment that your newborn baby sees your face for the first time. Tears of wonder, joy, and sheer openness cleanse your dubious mind allowing for clear understanding; a complete knowing within. It is in the most vivid technicolor splendor you could ever have imagined; real, live life. You are now the proud, nervous, baffled, already sleep-deprived parents of a new human being who has suddenly decided to be on the outside of your body. You have just met the world exactly as it is.

When a human being is pickling within, it's all kinds of exciting wondrousness and it feels so real that you believe this is actually the realest real. It's not quite the same kind of real as when this perfect being that was magically created by you is in your arms for the first time. For the first few weeks the whole scene of your life slows down to the point of "Ahhh, so THIS is IT!" And then, "Whoa, now I KNOW!" You thought you had done high until you experience that one stupendous month-long moment when the shit of new life hits your reality fan. You are definitely tripping out on your newborn child just being. Being. There's no amount of acid, mushrooms, peyote, ecstasy or mild insanity that can compare to the otherworldly arrival of the human you've created and is now live and in person, in your life forever. Distorted time and perception mingle with emotional warmth and lay to temporary rest the clenchedjawmusclecrampingslightnausea feeling of hurrying through this precious life. Welcome.

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